Before going ahead with registration under SEBI, one must ensure that he/she has adequate qualification and experience as required under the regulations to procure such registration. SEBI has clearly stated what they are looking for when it comes to qualification and certification requirements.
In my article, I will detail you about the qualification and certification requirements required for registration with SEBI under SEBI (Investment Adviser) Regulations, 2013 and SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulation, 2014.
However, let us first understand who are they?
Investment Adviser (IA)-
An Investment Adviser means a person who is engaged in the business of providing investment advice for some consideration to clients, other persons or group of persons and includes any person who holds himself as an investment adviser.
# investment advice means advice relating to investing in, purchasing, selling or otherwise dealing in securities or investment products, and advice on investment portfolio containing securities or investment products, whether written, oral or through any other means of communication for the benefit of the client and shall include financial planning.
Research Analyst (RA)-
A research analyst means a person who is primarily responsible for preparation or publication of content of research report, provide research report, making buy/sell/hold recommendation, gives price target or offer an opinion concerning public offer with respect to securities that are listed or to be listed in a stock exchange.
# research report means a written report on research analysis or buy/sell/hold recommendation or offering an opinion on securities that are listed in a stock exchange or to be listed in a stock exchange or any other mode that influences the investment decision will be considered as a research report.
Now, that we understood who they are, let me inform you about the qualification and certification they need to procure in order to register themselves as Investment Adviser or a Research Analyst:
The link below will take to the respective site:
The link below will take to the respective site:
To conclude, these are the qualification requirements you need to have before filing an application with SEBI for registration as IA or RA. Once you have requisite qualification, experience and certificates in place, then only it is advisable to proceed with your application. Until then put a hold to it.
If you are looking for registration with SEBI as IA or RA and have a doubt as to whether you satisfy the requisite qualification requirement under the regulation, you may write to me at or reach out to me at +91 9148973085.